• To organise reception, transport, security and stay as per entitlement of the VIP dignitaries of the state namely Hon’ble Governor, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Hon’ble Ministers, Hon’ble MPs,Hon’ble MLAs, Hon’ble MLCs and senior govt. officers etc.

  • To maintain liaison with Government of India and other State Governments and to follow up proposals/cases submitted to the Govt. of India by the State Government.

  • To provide logistical support and make arrangements for official functions hosted by Hon’ble Governor, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Hon’ble Ministers and other dignitaries in Delhi.

  • To maintain Guest Houses, circuit house and other properties used for lodging VIPs, State Guests, state/other govt. officers.

  • To make arrangements for the state dignitaries and senior officers to attend and represent the state in various conferences and meetings of Govt. of India held in Delhi.

  • To facilitate and coordinate the visits of Govt. of India dignitaries and senior govt. officers to the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

  • To obtain information from various offices of Govt. of India as may be required by the state govt.

  • To consolidate market intelligence for sale and export of traditional products of the state govt.

  • To disburse salaries to the migrant employees and attend to other service related issues pertaining to them.